Return on Investment

Client Results

Utilizing our LinkedIn Roundtable Marketing System, our manufacturing procurement consulting client closed their first two deals worth $300K.

In addition, they have added 4 other projects totaling $800K to the top of their sales pipeline.

Management Consulting Client

LinkedIn Roundtable Strategy

Using the criteria provided to us by our client, we created a highly targeted list of prospects in Sales Navigator. We then created a cold email outreach campaign to promote their products. As a result, between 2020 and 2021, $692K worth of COVID-19 PPE was sold.

Personal Protection Equipment Company

Cold Email Campaign

Working with a commercial Real Estate software company and have helped them “connect and speak with more potential clients in six weeks than they had previously spoken to in 10yrs”.  They are engaged in conversations with more than 20 high profile meaningful prospects and have submitted two large proposals in the last week.  This happened within six weeks of engaging with us.

Technology Client

Lead Generation Strategy

This manufacturer sells a high-end custom solution to a niche market. In six months we have added 2,700 highly targetted prospects to the marketing database, generated an engagement rate of 38% and secured three new clients with an estimated customer life time value of $300,000.

Hi-Tech Manufacturing

Lead Generation & Scalability

We engaged with a training consultant that was surviving on referral business only with no way to generate new opportunities. We put together an outreach lead generation strategy that created 30+ appointments with their ideal target audience within a four-week period. They made their first $20K+ sale within 3 weeks of the start of the program. This amount of activity identified the next need, the need to scale their business and create a sustainable way to generate leads, create proposals and deliver their programs consistently. We sourced and arranged for a partner who was willing to invest in their company to create a scalable business model where our client could focus on what they do best, delivering their material.

Leadership/Sales Training Consultant

Lead Generation & Scalability

After four months of utilizing our LinkedIn Roundtable Marketing System, our marketing consulting client closed their first deal for $50K in 1st year revenue.

Two additional (and counting!) opportunities of similar size have also been added to their sales pipeline.

Marketing Agency

LinkedIn Roundtable Strategy


In less than 12 months of working with a professional services firm, we added nearly 2,000 ideal new prospects to their database. We then created workflows and processes that focused on nurturing the new leads. Within six months of the start of the engagement, over $100,000 in new revenue had been generated.

Professional Services

Lead Generation & Marketing Automation

We helped a client reach out to 1,000 of their 1st level LI connections which generated 50+ responses, 5 highly qualified immediate opportunities and a handful of other opportunities they will continue to nurture. It took two weeks to generate this level of activity.

Logistics Company

Monetize Existing Leads/Leverage Existing LinkedIn Connections
Let's Talk

30 Minute Discovery Call

Help us to understand your biggest growth needs and we’ll see if and how we can solve them using our proven system.

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